Host a DIY FUNdraiser!

From businesses, individuals, youth, girl or boy scout troops to retirement homes, there are many simple and fun ways to help the animals in our care. DIY (do it yourself) Fundraisers are fundraisers or wish list drives done and hosted by businesses, individuals or groups, like youth social clubs external to UPAWS and benefit the shelter by donating the proceeds, and/or supply donations.

Photo: Dawson came to UPAWS to bring a check for $326 after having a DIY Fundraiser selling crafts. Here he is with Ryan, UPAWS Shelter Coordinator

Many local businesses also come up with unique ideas to host fundraisers for UPAWS for which we are very grateful.

Please note: UPAWS is deeply grateful for the support provided to our cause! However, to keep our social media presence focused on the needs at the shelter, animals for adoption, UPAWS events, and other happenings, we have come up with a new system. Once a month, we will post all the DIY fundraisers that we have been informed about on our social media channels, giving people the chance to lend their support to the animals in need. Upon completion of any fundraising project, a special photo (if provided by person or group, and with permission) will be shared on our Facebook page to honor and recognize everyone’s hard work and generous donations.
For any questions or inquiries, those interested may email us at This system is a true win-win for everybody that is involved, but the biggest winners are the rescued animals!

UPAWS is forever thankful for your help and kindness.

If you are holding a DIY Fundraiser and wish for us to include it in on our link below, please let us know by emailing

Click HERE for DIY Fundraiser that we have been informed about.

For groups and individuals, here is a list of easy ideas that you can jump in and do on your own.  If you wish to do a more complicated or larger event, will be soliciting businesses, or selling any kind of ticket, please first contact our shelter by email at

Birthday Event: Donate your birthday to UPAWS. Instead of gifts, ask for donations for the animals.
Hold a Supply Drive: Gather supplies from our Wish List. Take a photo and email it to Ann at and we will post it on Facebook (with your permission).
Simple DIY Fundraiser: Host a DIY fundraiser for UPAWS

Hold a DIY bake sale, car wash, lemonade stand, yard sale, percentage of sales from Pampered Chef, Thirty One, Papparazzi, etc. The ideas are endless for a simple DIY fundraiser!

Wedding or Special Occasion Event: Instead of gifts, ask for donations for the animals.

Where do I send my donations? Please send any monetary donations you have collected by check, along with your name, address, phone & email along with a description of your DIY fundraiser to:

The Upper Peninsula Animal Welfare Shelter, 815 South State Highway M553, Gwinn, MI 49841

For security purposes, please do not send cash in the mail. However, you can drop off cash donations at our shelter.

Or you can make your donation online at this link. Please note in the comment section a description of your DIY fundraiser.

Thank you for helping the animals!