Upper Peninsula Animal Welfare Shelter

Great Friends Found Here. Visit UPAWS

Adoption Programs

Seniors for Seniors:

Our “Seniors for Seniors” adoption program is all about senior adopters rediscovering the joys of having a cat or dog in their lives. The program places senior cats and dogs (7 years of age and up) with senior citizens who are 62 years of age or older.

UPAWS will waive the adoption fee to encourage such placements of senior animals in loving homes.

Lonely Hearts Club: 

60 + days is a long time for a shelter pet to wait for a family. Every day, certain pets get passed over. We at UPAWS think they are very special, so special they get their own club! All Lonely Heart Club Members have their adoption fees PAID by Swick Home Services and kind supporters. Click here to learn more

Buddy Program: 

Sometimes Two is better than One! Considering helping two homeless pets? Ask the UPAWS staff about current residents that are friends and would like to be re-homed together.  Eligible participants for the Buddy Program are ‘Adopt One get the Buddy for 1/2 Off

Woofs and Meows for the Miltary:

UPAWS cares about veterans and military families. We can’t think of a better way to say ‘thank you for your service’ than by giving the unconditional love of a rescued pet. The love of a companion animal can make a tremendous difference in the life of a vet, especially one who is suffering from PTSD.

This is free for any active or inactive member of the military. You must be adopting for yourself.
• The program is for dogs and cats one year and older.  The adoption fee will be waived. 

I’m a veteran – how do I qualify for the program?
To qualify, please bring your military DD-214, and valid ID with you to the shelter when you come to adopt.

Barn Buddies: 

Got mice? Consider one of our Rodent Control Technicians! These kitties are looking for a warm and safe barn in exchange for chores. Offer your barn for them and they’ll offer their services. Adoption Fee only $10. Eligible cats only. UPAWS may ask to see your barn set up. Click here to learn more.

Contact Us

Phone: (906) 475-6661
Fax: (906) 475-6669
Email: info@upaws.org

Shelter Hours

Monday: CLOSED
Tuesday: 12-4 PM
Wednesday: 12-4 PM
Thursday: 12-4 PM
Friday: 12-4 PM
Saturday: 12-4 PM
Sunday: 12-4 PM


815 South State Highway M553
Gwinn, MI 49841
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