Redeeming your Pet from UPAWS

Did you find your lost pet at UPAWS? Contact UPAWS at 906-475-6661 (leave a message).

You must be 18 years old to claim a pet from the shelter. It is for the owner and the pet’s protection that we cannot release any pet without proof of ownership.

To claim your pet, bring with you one proof of ownership, one government I.D., and payment for impound fees.

Examples of proof of ownership:

  • Proof of license
  • Vet records for pet
  • Photo of animal 

The following requirements must be met before any pet being released to its owner:

  • No pet will be redeemed into the custody of its owner until all established fees have been paid.
  • All payments for the redemption of pets will be cash or credit card or check accepted.

Questions? Contact or call 906-475-6661.