
Hi there,
It turns out, Dudley is not a fan of having his picture taken, and I wish he was, because I’d love to send you lots of photos of us together, doing happy things. I’m attaching a rare photo where he’s looking at the camera. Usually, I snap photos of him sleeping, when he doesn’t notice.
But I want to write because it’s Thanksgiving, and I’m very thankful for this wonderful, wonderful dog.
He’s gentle, and soft, and lets me cuddle and love on him, and he follows me around room to room, even if I just move from one space to the next and back again. He sleeps nearby, most nights, but he’s starting to love the couch, and so some mornings I find him there, cuddled up, snoring a little. We take long (slow) walks, and he loves to ride in the car, so sometimes, we drive. He’s a big fan of watermelon, and I’ve got him eating well now, so he’s a little heavier. He’s never going to be chubby, but he’s no longer super thin. And, evey time we walk (every time!) someone says “what a beautiful dog,” or, “is that a wolf?” I guess he does look a little wolf-ish. I call him “Dudley G,” I’m not sure how that happened exactly. I wanted him to have a second name and the G just stuck.
He’s really lovely, I truly love him, and Hugo arrived a bit back from Guatemala and they’ve become great pals, too. Today, we’re taking him with us to our friend’s house for Thanksgiving. He’s friends with their Basset Hound, and — yes — their cats.
It was such a funny bit of timing that led me to UPaws and to find Dudley on that specific day. I want you to know we’re very happy, and although he’s a bit arthritic I do my best to keep him comfortable and I love him so much — and I’m thankful for him, every day.
Thanks so all of the good work you do.
Lisa & Hugo & Dudley