Lori Kulju
Lori Kulju, Yooper Goddess
My sweet boy, Kosmo (German Shepherd) and my sweet boy Deano (Human Man) light up my life and make me smile every day! I have had the presence of a dog in my life since I was a baby, crawling around after Pepe Beano, a cocker spaniel, Other memorable pets include Barney, a mixed breed puppy and Pedro, a white German Shepherd. After Dean and I got married, we had a Shepherd named Kuga, then one named Edward and now Kosmo.
As the Yooper Goddess, I have generated quite a large number of followers on social media. I share many updates with them including our search for a new puppy and funny anecdotes about Kosmo. They’ve come to love him and often ask me about him when they see me around town.
There is nothing like the love of a dog to bring people together!
UPAWS is an amazing organization with wonderful staff and volunteers. While I’m not a big fan of sitting in a kennel all day, I would do anything to help support this organization, so please, please, please make it worthwhile. Please donate!! And if you can’t donate, consider purchasing a Fetch! Dog shirt from www.yoopergoddess.com and the net proceeds from the sale now until the end of November will be donated to UPAWS.