Art for Animals Update

The long anticipated Art for Animals, sponsored by Art of Framing, was held February 25th and what a great evening it was! One hundred and forty-four artists, young and old, professional and amateur, submitted their masterpieces for the silent auction, raising donations for UPAWS (total still to come but it is over $1400!!) The evening included great conversations, friendly bidding wars, and food and beverages. Thanks go out to Stacie and Tom DuWaldt of Art of Framing for sponsoring this unique and family-oriented fundraiser. They solicited artists, provided the beautiful frames, put in hours and hours of professional framing (for free), organized and set up the fundraiser at the Marquette Commons, and served food and beverages during the event. We can’t thank them enough! Also, deserving of our heartfelt thanks are all the artists and artists-to-be who submitted their works and everyone who so generously attended the auction and bid on them. Totally delightful event!