Willie and Whopper (now Valor and Vaughn)
Willie and Whopper (now Valor and Vaughn) are probably the best two rats I’ve ever had. I adopted three rats from UPAWS a while back but ended up returning them and was almost too embarrassed to show my face there again. However, the shelter I work at (CCHS) received an offer to take in some baby rats and my boyfriend and I volunteered to transport them. While we were waiting for the paper work on the little ones, I noticed these two in a separate cage and immediately fell in love. Unfortunate events left Valor (I believe), the agouti, with a missing tooth, which has grown back beautifully.
I’ve never really seen my boyfriend interact with the rats but he always goes and visits with these two. We absolutely adore them. We also adopted two of the young girls who are now Annie and Gemma, and the mom of the five babies, who is Maggie. They’re all wonderful! Thank you, to all the wonder people I spoke with that day! I hope to return again soon.